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VarSome Clinical FAQs

1. 3D protein viewer

2. ClinVar

3. Explanation of VCF attributes

4. How can I filter out artifacts from my samples?

5. Why are variants identified in a single strand considered as artifacts, in particular when using amplicon kits?

6. Pseudogenes

7. Variant Sorting

8. Tumor Mutational Burden (TMB)

9. Variant not found

10. Investigating exon coverage

11. Publications Timeline Visualization

12. Joint calling

13. Variant calling and quality filters

13.1. Variant calling local reassembly

14. CNVs

15. Why does the position of some indels reported not match the position of the indels reported by ExAC/Gnomad?

16. Filter by Frequency or Pathogenicity

17. Hemizygous Variants

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